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Video Game Reviews

Title: X2: X-Men Wolverine’s Revenge
Review rating: **1/2
Platform/console: Playstation2, GameCube, Xbox, PC
Release date: April 2003
Genre: Action
Players allowed: 1
ESRB rating: T (blood, violence)
Production company: Activision

Expect some trial and error with the controls where you’ll find being in the right spot at the right time takes on a frustrating meaning in this game especially during the boss fighting sequences where you face off against foes that include Magneto and Lady Deathstrike. When dealing with non-superheroes the strategy is simple - go for the guy with the gun. The predictable movements and A.I. of the attacking humans provide medium challenges, but keep an eye on your special target icon that show which direction they’re shooting from. Wolverine’s special sensory ability produces some interesting graphics as well as a way for you to navigate in open minefields.

The help menu is good, but interrupts the flow of gameplay a little too much, making the gamer feel more like they’re watching a tour instead of participating in an engaging interaction.

The story is written by comic writer Larry Hama and his character stories are particularly well done. Each one explains how each the selected character relates to Wolverine after a brief summary of their powers and general background.

The music gets repetitive even though there are 17 orchestral tracks to choose from. Wolverine’s quips and roars, voiced by Mark Hamill also get a bit annoying as does the coughing; yes coughing, from vanquished human attackers. Bonuses include a gallery and costumes. Special challenges and a cerebro mode strengthen the game overall, but most gamers might find this adaptation to be an average experience.

Review by Michael Siebenaler

© Activision

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