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Video Game Reviews

Title: Unreal II: The Awakening
Review rating: ***
Platform/console: PC
Release date: February 2003
Genre: Action / Fighting
Players allowed: 1
ESRB rating: M (blood and gore, violence)
Production company: Atari / Infogames

This sequel keeps the Unreal Tournament game series alive and well with great controls, graphics and gameplay. The key differences are the omission of multiplayer mode (an admirable move given the market is now saturated with similar multiplayer games) and a storyline almost totally different from the original. The main character John Dalton, an ex-Marine, still must battle the Skaarj aliens, and leads gamers down a linear story that’s adequate. A new challenge and new weapons, including a flamethrower, make this title worthwhile, especially for first person shooter fans.

A solid game, but gamers wanting more replay value might be disappointed and want Unreal III very soon. Gamers missing the multiplayer experience can also check out Unreal Tournament 2003.

Review by Michael Siebenaler

© Atari / Infogames

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