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Video Game Reviews

Title: SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALS
Review rating: ***1/2
Platform/console: Playstation2
Release date: August 2002
Genre: Shooter / military / action
Players allowed: 1 to 16 with on-line capabilities
ESRB rating: M (blood, violence)
Production company: Sony Computer Entertainment America

It’s odd being commander when you feel so inexperienced in the beginning stages of this incredibly authentic military-themed game. For example if you give the wrong order, you will get some interesting feedback, such as “Not today” from your subordinate soldiers. At least some responses have a sir at the end so you don’t feel totally embarrassed. After the medium lengthened learning curve, you should be able to adapt and enjoy these amazing interactions and realistic firefights (watch out for that friendly fire!).

Players can choose from the classic controls (a.k.a. sure shot) or the precision shooter controls that utilize both analog sticks on the PS2. The choices are numerous and may overwhelm you at times, especially if you’re not familiar with military terms. As you’re completing you mission, detailed tactics such as acquiring equipment and moving bodies will put your brain into overdrive providing varied resolutions and confrontations in the various environments. The A.I. in single mode can be problematic at times so you may want to utilize your command options especially when you’re close to completing a mission because your accompanying soldiers might ruin it for you.

The detailed statistics grade you on gameplay elements such as team work, accuracy, stealth and completion of primary and secondary objectives. The statistics provide an interesting new element by providing you with the type of satisfaction and added accomplishment that you would get in most sports games. It would be even better if exceptional statistics counted towards some bonuses, but the designers didn’t take that angle. It’s easy to advance to the on-line game play which boosts the replay value to a very high level. The sound and voice talent add a lot to this quality game that designers spent enormous amounts of time on. Their efforts definitely show!

Review by Michael Siebenaler

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