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Video Game Reviews

Title: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Review rating: ***
Platform/console: PC, Playstation2, XBox
Release date: June 2003
Genre: Action, strategy, role-playing
Players allowed: 1
ESRB rating: T (violence)
Production company: Lucasarts Entertainment Company

The voice talent for Indiana Jones in this game could probably be easily mistaken for Harrison Ford's voice, but it's not his unfortunately though John Williams' music appears in this solid game.

Ten levels of linear missions and pit falling progression are balanced by a great emphasis on raw hand to hand fighting (as said in the game's advertisement your fists never run out of ammo) though you do get Tommy guns and explosions weapons as well.

Overall, the levels are fairly easy which works well for younger, less experienced players. Indy gets a whip, machete, shotgun, pistol and other items to pick up and use along his adventures. You lose momentum on whip swinging if you wait, but you can always regain it and Indy never loses his hat even when he swims.

Most of the challenge comes from maneuvering through the thick environments to achieve missions full of realism and challenging, yet linear, problem solving challenges. The game does make it easier by eliminating falls as you walk across wall and other tight spaces - you only have to attach and detach once you've crossed the nail biting obstacle. Recommended and a worthy game experience based on the popular film character.

Review by Michael Siebenaler

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