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2007 E3 Expo News - part 2

Five Things I'd Like To See at E3 2007
By Scott Weiss
July 6, 2007

Sure, everyone's got their "favorite games" they want to see at the event, but E3 07 is also about surprises, nice little things that jump out of nowhere and shake the gaming community to their very core. Like the Halo 3 trailer, the Super Smash Bros. Melee revealing, stuff like that. Here's a lovely little list I put together, naming the top 5 things I'd love to see happen at this year's E3 07 event. Of course, the probability of such things happening can go all over the place. Without further ado...the list...

1. Treasure's "secret" next-gen project. I've been a fan of the company for a long, LONG time and I'd like to see whatever they're cooking up displayed somewhere on the Barker Hangar floor or even in a private suite of some sort. Their presence at this year's event seems questionable, what with the small invite list and all, BUT if they're linked to a bigger outside company like Sega or Microsoft, the chances of seeing their work at the show would be a huge plus. If anything, we probably won't see this project...but hopefully we'll be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of their forthcoming port of Ikaruga for Xbox Live Arcade.

2. Sony actually have a great press conference. A press conference can go one of two ways. It can completely mesmerize the viewers in awestruck quality, or it can bore the absolute crap out of them. Sony's had it both ways, with a good showcase one year and last year's overtechnical showcase, filled with errors, funny quotes ("RIIIIDGE RACER!") and other flubs. If they can have a GOOD show this year, with Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted, Lair, Heavenly Sword and a few other revealings (we've heard rumblings about a new Jak and Daxter, along with Twisted Metal Black II), they can get back in the driver's seat again. And then we'd all forget about those references to hitting a crab for maximum damage. Well, OK, we can't quite forget that one. But we'll forget the others.

3. Mario Kart for Wii. This has been rumored for a while now, and since Super Smash Bros. Brawl won't be playable on the show floor, Nintendo needs to turn to a quality killer app to get the attention of the gaming public. Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime could do the job, but they were both playable at last year's event. Nintendo needs something brand spanking new to turn heads, and an online Mario Kart game for the Wii would probably do the trick. Expect visuals along the lines of Double Dash!!, or even better, combined with eight player versus races and an intuitive Wii control set-up. Oh, yeah, we can see this becoming an instant party hit...if it's revealed.

4. A hint of Gears of War 2. OK, so Cliffy B. and the Epic gang have already confirmed that Gears of War II won't see any kind of playable public display at the E3 event. Still, what better time to reveal an early trailer for the game than during the Microsoft pre-E3 press conference? Remember what the Halo 3 trailer did for last year's? It brought a community to its knees with the buzz that emerged from it, and Gears 2 could easily do the same thing. It doesn't even have to be that much -- maybe even something among the lines of last year's dramatic "Mad World" trailer with a brief 30 seconds of footage, if that. But Microsoft should offer at least some kind of morsel about the game. Hell, put a tattoo on Peter Moore's neck for it.

5. Booth babes. So it's probably a long shot, if anything at all. But I have a place in my heart for hot women advertising upcoming games. Every year, up until now, I was assigned as an official booth babe photographer for several publications (a position I fought tooth and nail for, mind you). And it would feel kind of sad to not have something to shoot at. I don't expect to find these girls roaming the floor in the Barker Hangar, but I would be surprised if they weren't lurking about in the suites, trying to explain the games or offering some kind of drinks. Let's see it happen.

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